Happy Thanksgiving from your Framing Godmother!

Happy Thanksgiving feature | FramingGodmother.com

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Happy Thanksgiving, my American pumpkinheads!

I am full of thanks for this – my all time favorite Jamie Wyeth painting!

Jamie Wyeth's Pumpkinhead self-portrait | FramingGodmother.com
Jamie Wyeth, Pumpkinhead – Self-Portrait (1972), oil on canvas, Brandywine River Museum of Art, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, USA

Framing Godmother star | FramingGodmother.com

You are positively right. This painting is a bit more Halloween than Thanksgiving. But isn’t it fun?

I don’t recall which museum I was visiting, mumble-mumble years ago, when this masterpiece first caught my attention.

All I remember is standing there, caught up in the moment, smiling back at this fabulous painting.

There’s something so inviting, yet frightening, about the cock of Pumpkinhead’s head and that creepy grin. Am I right? The painting technique is flawless, of course. And his right sleeve is so short. Tell me, what’s up with that?

I’d absolutely no idea this oil painting hung in the Brandywine River Museum of Art in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, when my friend and I were driving across Pennsylvania to the Amish Country and spotted a sign for the Museum! Sadly, it didn’t even occur to me it might be on display there since I’d never visited the museum hashtag willnotmakethatmistakeagain After a red-light-length should-we-or-shouldn’t-we debate, my friend and I decided we were hungry. Hence, we stayed the course to Intercourse and kept our lunch reservation at a Lancaster County favorite, the Kling House.

Had I known the portrait waited to be seen, only blocks from the intersection where we turned to go to an unplugged, people trying to live their best lives show, we would have enjoyed another Wawa hoagie instead, delayed our horse drawn carriage tour by a few hours and gone in to be mesmerized by that smile once again.

As a pitiful penance, I give you my homage to Jamie Wyeth’s Pumpkinhead – Self Portrait.

Framing Godmother star | FramingGodmother.com

My Self-Portrait Homage to Jamie Wyeth’s Pumpkinhead – Self-Portrait

My Pumpkinhead Self-Portrait | FramingGodmother.com
Marla McCarty, Pumpkinhead – Homage to Jamie Wyeth’s Self-Portrait (2018), overprocessed digital photo, the First United Methodist Church Pumpkin Patch, Texas Hill Country, USA, FramingGodmother.com

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Oh. My. Gosh.

Look what just moved to the top of my Christmas wish list!

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Happy Thanksgiving, pumpkin! | FramingGodmother.com

Framing Godmother star | FramingGodmother.com

Peace, Love & Picture Frames! | FramingGodmother.com

My favorite Thanksgiving side is pumpkin pie. What’s yours?